CALL FOR PAPERS published for the 8th ReDi conference in Oslo 2020

The International Society for Research and Study of Diaconia and Christian Social Practice (ReDi) and VID specialised University will be hosting the 8th ReDi Conference under the theme “Diakonia as Gamechanger”. The development of society on both global and local level is increasingly described in terms of crisis. Climate change is becoming more perceptible and…

Call for research project partners: Social Inlcusion & Radicalisation

Our institutional member Eurodiaconia, a Brussels-based federation of 51 social and health care service providers in Europe is looking for project partners. Recently, the European Commission has published a call for proposals under the research programme Horizon2020 called “Addressing Radicalisation through Social Inclusion” with the application deadline in March 2020.   Eurodiaconia works on this…

Eurodiaconia: Call for tenders for a researcher

Eurodiaconia is a dynamic, Europe wide community of organisations founded in the Christian faith and working in the tradition of Diaconia, who are committed to a Europe of solidarity, equality and justice. As the leading network of Diaconia in Europe, Eurodiaconia connects organisations, institutions and churches providing social and health services and education on a…

Call for Abstracts: Diaconia Journal

The upcoming special edition of Diaconia – Journal for the Study of Christian Social Practice aims to focus on the theory and practice of diaconal community development. Articles are welcome which explore this emerging field from various perspectives, including studies of specific initiatives, empirical, theological and contextual studies in relation to the field as well…

Submit Your Master Thesis to the Anders Bäckström Prize 2020

Professor emeritus in the Sociology of Religion Anders Bäckström (Uppsala University) has founded a fund to support research on Diaconia, Christian social practice, welfare and religion, and in particular young researchers in this field.   The Anders Bäckström Fund is placed at Diakonhjemmet foundation in Oslo/Norway. The board of the Anders Bäckström Fund announces this…