International Conference for PhD-Students in Diaconic Science

The Institute for Diaconic Science and Management in Bielefeld, Germany invites PhD students to participate in the second international conference for PhD students in diaconic science, which will take place from 11-12 October 2019 at the Institute for the Study of Diaconia (Diakoniewissenschaftliches Institut/DWI) at Heidelberg University (programme below).   In different European countries universities…

ReDi conference Berlin: call for papers deadline extended (15 June)

The deadline for submitting papers, workshops and posters for the 7th bi-annual research conference of ReDi in Berlin from 12-14 September has been extended. The new deadline is 15 June 2018.   The conference theme is “Beyond Services – Towards Justice” with subthemes on “Globalisation and Justice from a Theological Perspective”, “Economics of Solidarity”, “Welfare, Gender and…

7th Bi-Annual ReDi Conference in Berlin (12-14 September 2018)

The Seventh Biannual ReDi Conference will take place from 12-14 September 2018 in Berlin hosted by Diakonie Deutschland, the Institute for the Study of Christian Social Services at the University of Heidelberg, Eurodiaconia and ReDi. The conference theme is “Beyond Services – Towards Justice”. The subthemes of the conference address topics like “Globalisation and Justice…

Interdiac celebrates its 10 years anniversary

Interdiac is a research and educational platform in the field of diaconia and Christian Social Practice in Eastern and Central Europe. This important platform celebrates its 10th anniversary in October this year. Everybody is invited to participate in the conference in the form of a “convivial” conference in Ukraine with the theme “Diversity-Conviviality-Unity” at 8-12…