Briefs from Research Projects and Practice


In this section of the website you can read and share reflections on new diaconal practices, new challenges and innovative thinking. You may find possibilities for collaboration or new insights for your work from a different context. If you want to contribute to this section and showcase your innovative approaches, please get in touch directly with one of our board members.


The submitted write-ups may include, but not limited to:

  • Description of an ongoing research project
  • Description of an innovative or current approach to practice
  • Discussion of a research theme or issue which affects practice or arises from it
  • Summary of a research process
  • Summary of a recently concluded research project
  • A brief essay on challenges and innovations relevant to the practice and research in diaconia


The latest report from practice:

  • Respecting Dignity: Subjective Wellbeing in People with Intellectual Disabilities: A report of an action research project in one agency to identify and critically reflect on the factors and forces, which influence subjective well-being in people with intellectual disabilities. It explores whether the responses and attitudes of those who are working with people with intellectual disabilities respects their dignity and well-being.


Previously published reports from practice:


  • A study on Diaconal Youth Work in Europe todaySummary report with recommendations for learning and practice of a research project which involved six diaconal organisations and Eurodiaconia, which was the project holder. The research was carried out by DIAK, Finland in collaboration with Eurodiaconia.


  • From A Common TableReports on the development of a system of sharing food which is based on a participatory approach to learning and practice running of a large logistics operation in the City of Vantaa, Finland. Shared Table is a partnership of civil society, church and municipality and has won widespread recognition for its innovation.